By Takur Busa Friday, January 31, 2020 Banyak Buruh: Banyak Pekerja Bergaji Tak Sesuai UMR -, Jakarta - Presiden Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Nasional (KSPN) Ristadi mengatakan masing-masing pihak terkait omnibus law C...
By Takur Busa 10:55 PM Many Many questions left unanswered in documentary - Atlanta Journal Constitution A new Clarence Thomas documentary opens with a clip from the Supreme Court Justice’s contentious 1991 Senate confirmation hearing, in whic...
By Takur Busa 7:46 PM Banyak Arkeolog Terkejut Banyak Temuan Situs Prasejarah di Natuna - CNN Indonesia Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Para arkeolog terkejut dengan temuan benda bersejarah di pulau kecil tersebut. Arkeolog Pusat Penelitian Arkeolog...
By Takur Busa 6:16 PM Banyak 4 Mitos Tips Kecantikan yang Masih Banyak Dipercaya Orang, Apa Saja? - - Sudah menjadi keinginan setiap orang untuk tampil menarik. Tidak heran jika banyak orang mau melakukan apa saja demi mewujudkan...
By Takur Busa 5:16 PM Banyak Banyak ASN yang Ingin Ikut Pilkada 2020, Bawaslu Awasi Netralitas - - JAKARTA, - Anggota Badan Pengawas Pemilu ( Bawaslu ) Ratna Dewi Pettalolo mengatakan pihaknya menemukan banyak aparatur sipil n...
By Takur Busa 1:46 PM Banyak Presiden Jokowi Harap Semua Bandara Makin Banyak Traffic - Okezone Economy JAKARTA - Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengatakan bahwa bandara di Indonesia diinginkan adalah pelayanan yang cepat. Sehingga, traffic-ny...
By Takur Busa 10:46 AM Banyak Puji NU, Ma'ruf Amin: Banyak Organisasi Cepat Wabillahi Taufiq Wal Hidayah - - Wakil Presiden Maruf Amin memuji Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) yang bisa bertahan lama sebagai organisasi Islam. Sam...
By Takur Busa 8:55 AM Many Here’s How Many 737 MAX Jets Boeing Will Build in 2020 - Barron's Boeing and Spirit AeroSystems struck a 737 MAX production deal on Thursday/ Photograph by Stephen Brashear/Getty Images Commercial ae...
By Takur Busa 7:25 AM Many Longer road to the B.A. for many black students - The Hechinger Report The Hechinger Report is a national nonprofit newsroom that reports on one topic: education. Sign up for our weekly newsletters to get stor...
By Takur Busa 6:55 AM Many Many Adults Are Helping Their Parents Financially Despite Strain - The New York Times Many adults give financial support to their parents, despite feeling a strain on their own budgets, new research finds. About a third of...
By Takur Busa 6:25 AM Many Some Americans to leave China, many stay after US advisory - WPLG Local 10 In this Friday, Jan. 31, 2020, photo, American citizen James Dickey sits on a train on his way back to his home in Changsha, China. Dickey,...
By Takur Busa 5:25 AM Many Some Americans to leave China, many stay after US advisory - ABC News BEIJING -- Some Americans plan to leave China after the U.S. government advised about a spreading virus outbreak, but many others are stayi...
By Takur Busa 4:55 AM Many Many regional reasons to say yay to Northwest chardonnay - The Daily Herald Merely by typing the word “chardonnay” in this column, too many wine consumers will turn the page or close the window — but chardonnay rema...
By Takur Busa 4:25 AM Many Some Americans to leave China, many stay after US advisory - The Associated Press BEIJING (AP) — Some Americans plan to leave China after the U.S. government advised about a spreading virus outbreak, but many others are s...
By Takur Busa 2:55 AM Many Dems barrage Iowa with many ads but one message: I'm the one to beat Trump - POLITICO DES MOINES, Iowa — Bernie Sanders wants to “transform the country.” Joe Biden warns against taking “a risk.” Elizabeth Warren is touting h...