Housing crisis is about
too many rich people

Re: “Can’t afford rents here? Explore living elsewhere” (Letter to the editor, Eastbaytimes.com, Jan. 3):

Yay for the free market economy! School teachers can’t afford to live here? Put your kid in an online kindergarten. Like to eat in a fancy restaurant? Be prepared to bus your own dishes. Need to call 911 for anything? Be prepared to wait for your police or EMT to drive in from, ya’ know, the fair-market place she can afford to live in.

There’s a reason a free market doesn’t work; it’s called the common good.

What the Bay Area needs is for the movers and shakers of Silicon Valley to move. Pick some place with a lot of room (not farm land, please; we all still need to eat), build some coding schools, a factory, some housing and bam! You’ve got the company town of the 21st century that’s not the Bay Area.

The housing problem isn’t just too many people, it’s too many rich people.

Rachel Resnikoff

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