Newsom surprised many
by selling out on water

In grading Gov. Newsom’s performance to date, the East Bay Times graded education (“Newsom’s K-12 scorecard: Good grades, some incompletes,” Page B1, Jan. 6) and the Chronicle evaluated everything from housing to wildfires. Neither touched on the state water debacle, where he has surprised almost everyone by selling out.

He vetoed an excellent bill passed by the Legislature that would have thwarted federal attempts to weaken existing state regulations. He said he wanted all parties to have the opportunity to “compromise.” Translation: Delta smelt can’t help him nearly as much as ag billionaires.

I have seen only one letter in support of his stance, and that came from the California Farm Water Coalition. All the other problems will take time to solve. With water, we can’t afford time.

All he had to do was sign a bill. No matter what his other accomplishments, I give him a big fat F.

Eugene Paschal

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